Joseph Plateau
Joseph was the first person to demonstrate the illusion as a moving image, how he was able to do so he would user counter rotating disks with small increments of motion on one and on the other he would place slits into it. He called his work phenakistoscope.
He also performed an experiment on which he stood an gazed into the sun for 25 seconds and repeater that sequence and later on in life lost his eye sight, he was fascinated by lumionous impressions.
William Horner
William was a Brittish Mathsmatician and a school master. He invented Zoetrope.
Horner published a mode of solving numerical equations of any degree, now known as Horner's method. According to Augustus De Morgan, he first made it known in a paper read before the Royal Society, 1 July 1819, by Davies Gilbert, headed A New Method of Solving Numerical Equations of all Orders by Continuous Approximation.
Emile Reynaud
Charles was the first person to ever create Praxinoscope which was in 1877. in 1892 Charles Emile projected his first animaton film infront of an audience in Paris.
In the year 1892 Charles has made three animated films called: Un Bon Bock, Pauvre Pierrot and Le Clown es ses chiens.
Edward Muybridge
He used the pseudonym Helios (Greek god of the sun) on many of his photographs, he was born in England ad worked very hard on photography by creating moving effects like a video, when studying photography Edward learned the wet-collodion process.
The Kinetoscope is an early motion picture exhibition device. Though not a movie projector it was designed for films to be viewed individually through the window of a cabinet housing its components.
Edison introduced the Kinetophone, which joined the Kinetoscope with a cylinder phonograph. Edison created the kinetoscope as it was designed specifically for films .
Lumiere Brothers
The two brothers are famous for being among the earliest filmakers known in history, also their surname Lumiere if translated in English they would be called the Light Brothers. Both of the brothers worked for their dad who owned his on photgraphic firm, the brothers would work hard on a project which is called the dry-plate project which came the closest to moving photographs.
George Pal
George was an American animator and also a film producer. He associated with the science fiction genre in film. He was also nominated for the Academy awards due to his work on short cartooned animation. George also recieved a honory award.